All files / primitive/injector/src settings.js

97.29% Statements 36/37
80% Branches 20/25
100% Functions 17/17
96.77% Lines 30/31

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import {Children, cloneElement, isValidElement} from 'react'
import {isFragment} from 'react-is'
import cx from 'classnames'
import PrimitiveInjector from './index.js'
const isUpperCaseChar = char => char.length === 1 && char === char.toUpperCase()
const isFunction = handler => typeof handler === 'function'
const isHandler = propKey => propKey.startsWith('on') && isUpperCaseChar(propKey['on'.length])
export const combineHandler =
  (...handlers) =>
  (...args) =>
    handlers.filter(isFunction).forEach(handler => handler(...args))
export const combineHandlers = (ownProps, childProps, cHandler = combineHandler) =>
  Object.keys({...ownProps, ...childProps})
      (response, currentKey, index, combinedKeys) => ({
        [currentKey]: cHandler(...[ownProps[currentKey], childProps[currentKey]].filter(isFunction))
export const combineStyles = (...styles) => {
  const result = styles.reduce((resultingStyle, currentStyle) => {
    return {
  }, {})
  return Object.keys(result).length === 0 ? null : result
export const combineClassNames = (...classNames) => cx(...classNames)
export const combineProps = (
  {className: ownClassNames, style: ownStyle = {}, ...ownProps},
  {className: childClassNames, style: childStyle = {}, ...childProps},
  {combineHandlers: cHandlers, combineStyles: cStyles, combineClassNames: cClassNames, combineHandler: cHandler} = {
) => {
  const combinedHandlers = cHandlers(ownProps, childProps, cHandler)
  const style = cStyles(ownStyle, childStyle)
  const className = cClassNames(childClassNames, ownClassNames)
  return {
    ...(className && {className}),
    ...(style && {style}),
export const inject = (children, settings = []) =>
  Children.toArray(children).map(child => {
    Iif (!isValidElement(child)) {
      return child
    } else if (isFragment(child)) {
      return cloneElement(child, child?.props, inject(child?.props.children, settings))
    } else if (child?.type === PrimitiveInjector) {
      const {proviso = () => true, combine = combineProps, children, ...otherProps} = child?.props || {}
      return inject(children, [{proviso, combine, props: otherProps}, ...settings])
    } else {
      return cloneElement(
          .filter(({proviso}) => proviso(child))
          .reduce((acc, {props, combine}) => {
            return combine(props, acc, {
          }, child?.props)