All files / molecule/notification/src index.js

75.51% Statements 37/49
72.09% Branches 31/43
58.33% Functions 7/12
78.26% Lines 36/46

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import {memo, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'
import {createPortal} from 'react-dom'
import cx from 'classnames'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import Button from '@s-ui/react-atom-button'
import IconClose from '@s-ui/react-icons/lib/Close'
import {
} from './settings.js'
const getContainer = ref => {
  const hasRef = ref !== undefined
  if (hasRef) {
    return ref.current
  return document.body
const MoleculeNotification = memo(
    alignItems = ALIGN_ITEMS.FLEX_START,
    autoClose: autoCloseTiming = AUTO_CLOSE.short,
    onClose = EMPTY_METHOD,
    effect = true,
    position = POSITION.relative,
    roundedCorners = null,
    showCloseButton = true,
    showLeftIconMobile = false,
    type =,
    variation = VARIATIONS.negative,
    show: showFromProps = true,
    overrideContainer = false,
    targetRef = undefined
  }) => {
    const [show, setShow] = useState(showFromProps)
    const [delay, setDelay] = useState(false)
    const transitionTimeout = useRef()
    const autoCloseTimeout = useRef()
    useEffect(() => {
    }, [showFromProps])
    const autoCloseTimeInSeconds = AUTO_CLOSE_TIME[autoCloseTiming] || AUTO_CLOSE_TIME.manual
    const removeDelay = show => {
      const delay = show ? 1 : TRANSITION_DELAY
      transitionTimeout.current = setTimeout(() => {
      }, delay)
    const handleClose = useCallback(() => {
    }, [onClose])
    const triggerAutoClose = useCallback(
      time => {
        autoCloseTimeout.current = setTimeout(handleClose, time)
    useEffect(() => {
      Eif (show && autoCloseTimeInSeconds) triggerAutoClose(autoCloseTimeInSeconds)
      Eif (effect) {
      return () => {
    }, [show, effect, triggerAutoClose, autoCloseTimeInSeconds])
    const getButtons = () => buttons.slice(0, BUTTONS_MAX).map((button, i) => <Button key={i} {...button} />)
    const wrapperClassName = cx(`${CLASS} ${CLASS}--${type} ${CLASS}--${position} ${CLASS}--${variation}`, {
      [`${CLASS}-effect--${position}`]: effect,
      [`${CLASS}-effect--hide`]: effect && delay,
      [`${CLASS}-roundedCorners--${roundedCorners}`]: roundedCorners
    const innerWrapperClassName = cx({
      [`${CLASS}-children`]: children,
      [`${CLASS}-text`]: text
    const iconLeftClassName = cx(`${CLASS}-iconLeft`, {
      [`${CLASS}-iconLeft--show`]: showLeftIconMobile
    const contentClassName = `${CLASS}-content ${CLASS}-content--alignItems-${alignItems}`
    Iif (!show && !delay) {
      return null
    const render = () => {
      return (
        <div className={wrapperClassName}>
          <div className={contentClassName}>
            <div className={iconLeftClassName}>
              <span className={`${CLASS}-icon`}>{icon || ICONS[type]}</span>
            <div className={innerWrapperClassName}>{children || text}</div>
            {showCloseButton && (
              <div className={`${CLASS}-iconClose`} onClick={handleClose}>
                <span className={`${CLASS}-icon`}>
                  <IconClose />
          {buttons && <div className={`${CLASS}-buttonsContainer`}>{getButtons()}</div>}
    const notificationEl = render()
    Iif (overrideContainer) {
      const container = getContainer(targetRef)
      return container ? createPortal(notificationEl, container) : notificationEl
    return notificationEl
MoleculeNotification.displayName = 'MoleculeNotification'
MoleculeNotification.propTypes = {
  /** Vertical alignment for content */
  alignItems: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(ALIGN_ITEMS)),
  /** Auto close time: 'short' (3s), 'medium' (6s), 'long' (9s), 'manual' or null (disabled) */
  autoClose: PropTypes.string,
  /** Array of props to sui-atom-buttons. Max: 3 buttons */
  buttons: PropTypes.array,
  /** Notification content */
  children: PropTypes.node,
  /** Transition enabled */
  effect: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Icon to be added on the left of the content */
  icon: PropTypes.node,
  /** On close callback */
  onClose: PropTypes.func,
  /** Positions: 'top', 'bottom', 'relative' */
  position: PropTypes.string,
   * Border Radius sizes:
   * 'xl',
   * 'l',
   * 'm' (default),
   * 's',
   * 'xs',
  roundedCorners: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(BRDS_SIZE)),
  /** Show / hide notification */
  show: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Show / hide close button */
  showCloseButton: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Show / hide left icon on mobile */
  showLeftIconMobile: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Content text. Deprecated, use children instead. */
  text: PropTypes.string,
  /** Notification type: 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error', 'system'. */
  type: PropTypes.PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(TYPES)),
  /** Color variation of the notification: 'positive' with washed out colors, 'negative' with bold colors */
  variation: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(VARIATIONS)),
  /** Allows to change the container of the notifaction. This can be specified on targetRef prop, otherwise will be use the div "notification-react-portal".  */
  overrideContainer: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Used along with overrideContainer let specify a dom elment to render the notification. */
  targetRef: PropTypes.string
export {
  POSITION as moleculeNotificationPosition,
  ALIGN_ITEMS as moleculeNotificationAlignItems,
  AUTO_CLOSE as moleculeNotificationAutoClose,
  TYPES as moleculeNotificationTypes,
  VARIATIONS as moleculeNotificationVariations,
  BRDS_SIZE as moleculeNotificationBorderSizes
export default MoleculeNotification